To clearly identify the key priorities of its sustainable development strategy, Cascades relies on its stakeholders’ feedback.
To develop its new Sustainability Action Plan, Cascades worked with an independent external firm to carry out a broad consultation process with its stakeholders. This process took place in the summer of 2020 through an online survey and interviews. The results of this exercise, in which 850 people from all walks of life took part, helped us identify and position priority issues based on their importance to stakeholders and the impact Cascades can have on them.
people consulted through an online survey
bilingual focus groups with 35 employees
in-depth interviews with targeted stakeholders

After analyzing the responses from the survey and the various interviews and working groups, several issues were proposed. The materiality matrix above provides a comprehensive and accurate picture by including the weighting of the importance of the issue and the impact that Cascades could have on it.
Our fourth sustainable development plan covers the 8 issues in bold in the graphic and is broken down into 15 targets. These issues were chosen by their priority for our stakeholders, but also based our values, such as our involvement in communities, diversity and inclusion, and our work on the supply chain, which places us among the leaders.
Other issues will also be addressed indirectly and covered through projects, policies and/or processes.
We have therefore kept some of the objectives of our previous sustainable development plans and added several new ones.
Learn about our Sustainability Action Plan
Who Are Cascades' Stakeholders?

Building on Policies
Cascades has clear policies that guide and detail its commitment to generating positive impacts for the planet and its communities.
Working Toward a Common Goal
Cascades has a team of experts to help it implement action plans and achieve the objectives of its sustainable development plan.
Message from Management
At Cascades, our sustainable development efforts are solidly supported by our leaders.