We handle your installation and maintenance work for new and reconditioned equipment, drawing on our hands-on experience in the field.


Extensive Experience in the Field

We work on all types of projects, including installation, planned shutdowns and the full dismantling and relocation of plants. Our qualified personnel works within established timelines and in the best interest of our customers.


Arrêts planifiés

Démantèlement d'usines

Relocalisation complète d'usines

Our Certifications

As a guarantee of quality and professionalism, we are accredited with several nationally and internationally recognized organizations.

Canadian Welding Bureau (CWB)

Certification de nos soudeurs selon les plus hautes normes de l'industrie.

Soudure haute pression (SHP)

Certification pour la soudure du type Arc.


Outil de gestion de la sous-traitance et des fournisseurs.

IS Networld

Outil de recherche d'entrepreneurs et de fournisseurs.